Academics » SLP Student Instructions

SLP Student Instructions

  1. You will perform a Service Learning Project in which you volunteer at least 20 hours of your time to benefit others and/or your environment. Please click here for examples of acceptable and unacceptable service projects. 
  2. Find an adult who has been trained to be a mentor and initiate a meeting with him or her to discuss project ideas and timelines. 
  3. Select a service project and submit an Action Plan to your mentor. Click here for an Action Plan template.Once your Action plan has been signed by your parent and your mentor, you're ready to begin your service. Please note 1) if your mentor will not be present during the completion of your hours, you must have a supervisor who can vouch for your work by completing this form and 2) you cannot count hours that have been completed before your Action Plan has been signed. 
  4. While working on your SLP, you must keep a Reflection Journal, in which you talk about what you're doing and what you're learning while doing it. Though this journal can take many forms, please click here for a sample format template and here for an exemplar journal entry.  
  5. Upon completion of your service, you will discuss ideas for a Presentation Artifact with your mentor. Once you have agreed upon an acceptable Presentation Artifact, you will complete it and submit it to your mentor.
  6.  Your work during the project will be graded by your supervisor usingthis Supervisor Evaluation Form. Then, your Service Learning Project will be graded by your mentor using the Service Learning Project Evaluation Form. 
  7. Your Artifact will go on display during one of the four Service Fairs held during the year. You and your mentor must attend the Service Fair to collect feedback and speak with attendees.Please click here for times and locations of Service Fairs .